1. What is a Doula?
A Doula is a non medically trained professional who provides physical & emotional support to birthing people through labor, delivery, and beyond. A doula often supports the birthing person before, during, and after childbirth.
2.What will the Doula do & what won't the Doula do?
A doula doesn't take the place of a trained medical professional (i.e. doctor, OBGYN, or nurse); however, the doula provides comfort measures to assist the birthing person through labor and during delivery. A doula also ensures that the wishes of the birthing person are granted in the birthing room. A doula doesn't take the place of the birth partner; however, the doula also empowers the birth partner to support the birthing person before, during, and after childbirth as well. A doula doesn't provide medical advice and if the birthing person experiences any medical emergencies throughout pregnancy and/or childbirth, the birthing person should contact their OBGYN or seek emergency medical attention immediately. A doula doesn't advocate for the birthing person/family; however, a doula provides the birthing person/family with tools and/or resources to advocate for themselves.
3. Does a Doula only support live births?
No, a doula can assist a birthing person and/or birthing family through loss (i.e. miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortion).
4. What are the different types of Doula's?
Fertility - Support birthing families with conception.
Birth - Support birthing families with childbirth.
Bereavement - Support birthing families through the pregnancy/infant loss.
Postpartum - Support birthing families through the postpartum period.
5. What are the benefits of hiring a Doula?
Research shows that hiring a doula can reduce the need of Pitocin, reduce the chances of having a cesarean birth, reduce the chances of using/needing pain medication, and increase the likely hood of having a positive birth experience.