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Why did I count?

As a mom of loss x2, I was nervous when I found out I was expecting my rainbow baby. The Count the Kicks app was beneficial in counting my baby's fetal movement during the 3rd trimester. I had a sense of relief to know that my baby's movements were tracked outside of prenatal appointments. This is why I became an ambassador for Count the Kicks.



Black women are more than twice as likely to lose their babies to stillbirth than white women. The CDC estimates that 23,500 babies in the U.S. are born still each year, and nearly 7,000 of those babies are African American.


Researchers have identified several factors that contribute to this inequity. Experts say Black women, regardless of education or income, are less likely to receive early treatment for medical conditions like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or high blood pressure — any of which might lead to stillbirth.


The way Women of Color experience society, often through structural racism and toxic stress, has real consequences for their health and their babies. Additional marginalized populations are also at greater risk of losing their babies compared to their white counterparts. Count the Kicks is committed to eliminating racial disparities in stillbirth.

Maryland Statistics

1. Maryland loses 509 babies a year on average to stillbirth.


2. In Maryland, the stillbirth rate is 7.02 per 1,000 live births. 


3. We believe Count the Kicks can save an average of 163 babies per year in Maryland. 


Are you pregnant & in the 3rd trimester?

Download the Count the Kicks App.



JMason Foundation is a 501c(3) approved nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of Maryland. FEIN: 83-2672511

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