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Bump Blog (Week 21) - Pregnancy During a Pandemic

To be honest, being pregnant during a pandemic is difficult. Many providers aren't allowing an additional person to attend appointments with the birthing person. If providers are allowing an additional person to attend appointments with the birthing person, it's limited to one person (usually the birth partner). But, what if the birth partner isn't in the picture? Where does this leave room for the doula to attend?

In my case, my partner has to work during the week and he isn't able to attend my regular OBGYN appointments with me due to his work schedule. If he wants to attend, he has to take off of work for the day. The high risk OBGYN I have been seeing doesn't allow an additional person to attend the appointments with me so I'm forced to attend those alone. It makes it very difficult because these are very precious moments we can't get back during pregnancy (unless we're willing to have another child).

I haven't hired a doula due to me being a doula myself (I already know the tips and strategies the doula would teach me); therefore, I will be teaching my partner ways he can support me during labor and throughout childbirth.

What I'm now worried about are the policies and procedures that will be in place for my delivery in July 2021. I'm concerned that if COVID numbers rise again, I'll be delivering alone. My hope is that the COVID numbers decline enough to where I am allowed to have more than one person in the birthing room. Being that I'm not from the area I currently live in, my family has to travel to see me for the birth of our sweet baby boy and I'm sure my parents want to be apart of that experience.


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